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Profile photo ofRichard TarlaianNottaVette
Post count: 33

Can this website handle the member identifier (when responding or posting, the information positioned to the left of the post) to include the poster’s region and when they joined the VOA.  Also, will we be able to add people to “favorites” / friends / contacts for ease of interaction?


Also, it’s been mentioned that to navigate threads / posts is a tad cumbersome.  If we hit the “reply” of a post, should it indicate that we’re replying to said post?  Do we have to copy and paste part of a post to respond more clearly to it specifically?  Having to scroll from the top / origin of a post will become annoying as it takes time and involves going through content already read.

Is there another way to get notifications of activity on the forum other than having to had created a thread or post a reply and then click the “notify me of follow-up replies via email” box at the very bottom left of the page?  For example, I’d like to know whenever something is posted about G1/G2’s or from my region.  But I don’t have the time to access the forum and look through for new threads / post on a daily basis.  However, if someone in my region posts something, I’d like to be notified so I might be able to assist in a timely manner.

How do we utilize the “Tags”?  Again, not something this Gen X’er understands.  LOL

Just some questions to possibly simplify use and soften the changes for us older people.