Home Forums Northeast Regions VA/MD/DC Is there anyone out there?

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    • Profile photo ofmtoce1Michael Toce
      Post count: 1

      New Viper owner here – purchased a ’96 GTS a few weeks ago… trolled the interwebs/forums, etc. and landed here. I recently joined the Capital Vipers group on here, but am noticing there isn’t much traffic. Does this forum see much action, or are most Capital Area members “living” over on the Facebook page? Looking to connect with the local community, but not sure if this is the place to do it.

      I attended Katie’s Cars and Coffee in Great Falls, VA this past Saturday morning (June 22nd) and noticed at least 3 other Vipers in attendance, but couldn’t seem to find the owners to introduce myself to and chat.

      Figured this posting was worth a shot.

      – Mike

    • Brent Barr
      Post count: 33

      The Facebook groups are the most trafficked, followed by Viper Alley and Viper VCA forums. Beware of scammers on Facebook, if you need any parts there are only a few respected sellers and then a ton of scammers. If you need anything find me on Facebook, I’d be more than happy to help. I’m in Pennsylvania but I travel around. My name on Facebook is Brent Brian Barr

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