Our lunch and January VOA monthly meeting will start at 12-Noon on January 11 at Dawson’s on Main in Speedway, IN. Dawson’s is a family friendly restaurant located on the north end of Main Street in Speedway. Try out their website for a preview of their menu and to see their location on the map.
Dawson’s on Main
1464 Main Street
Speedway, IN 46224
Tel: (317) 247-7000
Note: Lunch will be paid for by The Club. All alcoholic beverages (if applicable) will be the responsibility of the member.
The current forecast for Saturday shows mostly cloudy skies with a temperatures in the high 20’s.
AS ALWAYS, ALL Viper owners are invited to attend. Questions??…Call ME !!
James Jackson, President, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc.
(317) 601-9759