Home Forums Southeast Regions Carolinas 2025 Events Plans

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    • Braunstein82
      Post count: 11

      Hello all,

      We have a bunch of great events lined up this year. Some will be very close to one another. This was not intentional but just how it worked out due to not being involved with choosing the dates. Like last year, we will have a few main events and several small events. Main events will consist of 2 or more days with a push for large attendance from members across our region. Small events are 1 day or less with an expected of mainly local members but still an opportunity for all members who may have interest. Pop-up events are something semi last minute for a few members to do together. If you would like to plan a main, small, or pop-up event for this year to be added to the calendar. Or would like to help with one of the already planned events. Please reach out to me, we need the help. Some of these dates and locations are subject to change, anything that is set in stone is indicated with an * asterisks. This may be this last email you will receive if you have not renewed your membership. To date 44 out of 63 have renewed, so if you want to be sure not to miss any communications, please renew. See below for the schedule.

      First quarter:

      Feb 22 (small event) – Barrel aged Carolinas Viper Stout beer release in Sanford NC*
      Members brewed a club beer last year and it turned out great. Well part of what got brewed got put in a barrel and aged for several months. This will be the release date of that beer. If you want a glass of it you’re going to have to come to Static Line Brewing to try it, as no to-go orders will be available. If all goes as planned there will be the first public debut of a special viper that has been completely rebuilt with plans to set another world record.

      Maintenance day (small event): Date to be determined
      This is where we get together to help each other change all the fluids on each other’s car to get them ready for the driving season. This typically take place in Raliegh. We are open to a second location if some has a lift and willing to host.

      March 21-23 (Main event): Charleston SC or Greenville SC
      There will be event planned at both locations, however the time of year they each happen on is still being determined. Led by the newest officer Wes with assistance from Audwin and other local members. Greenville will involve some nice long drives and social activities. Charleston will involve Cars and Coffee, cruise, and social activities.

      Second quarter:

      April 5th (Small event) : Mopars at the Rock*
      Bi-annual Mopar only car show and track day

      May 2-3 (small event) : OBX Car festival*
      Weekend or car related events for charity. Poker runs, drives, cruise ins. This will be a main event next year.

      May 23-25 (Main event) : Pinehurst Motoring Festival Concours*
      I’m very excited about this one. This very high end concours style show is by invite and application only. The show features supercars and classic cars with values into the millions each. Larry Martof and myself have participated in past, and my daughter has been a volunteer for many years. The event happens all weekend with different car related happenings over 3 days. Participates can choose to participate in one or all things. All leading up to the final concurs show on Sunday, That is where they have decided to do for the first time ever, a limited Dodge Viper Category. This is very special as their supercar categories are always buy brand (like Lambo, Ferrari) or general supercar category, never car specific. I will have more details on this very soon to come.

      May 29- Jun 1 (Main event) : Tail of the Dragon*
      Our most popular event each year that we do with the TN/AL club in Gatlinburg TN. 3 days of driving, dining, and fun.

      Jun 23-28 (Main event) : NVE8 Nation Viper Event in Pittsburg PA*
      This is every other year National Viper Owners Association event that is put on at a different location each time. With as many as 350 Vipers in attendance. There will be racetrack experiences, professional races, cruises, meet and greets with the designers of Viper and so much more. Our region has 9 cars already registered. You must be a VOA member to attend.

      Third Quarter

      July 25-27 or Aug 22-24 (main event): Charlston SC or Greenville SC
      These will be the alternate weekends for which ever location we don’t do in March.

      Forth Quarter

      October 3-5 (Main event) ; Little Switzerland NC
      Always a popular event. This event involves some mountain driving and lots of fun social activities. This Switzerland Inn and a beautiful and romantic lodge atop of a mountain with unbelievable views. Seth did such a great job planning this in 2023 that he has asked to do it again.

      November (Main event) : Holiday party in Southern Pines NC
      We are going back to the Southern Pines area again for our holiday party. (3rd times the charm, lol) We will have a private room at the newest and beautiful distillery, BHAWK American Whiskey. The have amazing food on site and obviously drinks. The party will start with a tour and tasting. The intent is to make this a day and a half event this year so that everyone will get to enjoy the amenities that Southern Pines & Pinehurst offer. We will also look into a shuttle to and from the distillery from the hotel for those not wanting to drive.

      Jan 6-11 or Jan 9-14, 2026 : CVC Winter Vacation #3 in the Caribbean
      As we did during winter vacation #1, attendees got to choose the next location. Puerto Rico was such a blast this year with 13 people in 2 houses attending from 3 different regions. We decided to do similar and rent another house (or 2) in the Caribbean again. We are finalizing the exact location as you read this email, I can tell you it will probably in either Turks and Cacaos or Jamica.

      Thanks everyone for a great 2024. Audwin, Scott, Wes and myself look forward to seeing you all in 2025. Text or email me if you have any questions.

      Matthew Braunstein
      Carolinas Viper Club



    • No Hemi
      Post count: 15

      Cool , we are interested in the Little Switzerland event , hopefully we can make other ones too.

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