Home Forums Northeast Regions NY / CT Limerock Autocross Event Reply To: Limerock Autocross Event

Profile photo ofSlateEdSlateEd
Post count: 4

SATURDAY, July 29, 2023

It’s that time everyone!!  The most exciting short-course in the Northeast, reserved for us for a full day.  Lime Rock’s infield autocross course was the former site of SRT and Skip Barber car control clinics… and it’s been improved since then!


  • Full day – awesome seat time
  • Instruction available all day
  • No helmet or special safety gear required
  • Won’t burn a set of tires or brakes in one day
  • Safe room for run-off to learn and explore
  • Awesome Viper Camaraderie

Signup is open now on the NYCT VOA Website:  http://www.nyctvoa.org/autox2023.html

VOA members from ANY REGION get $50 off the price, so make the trip.