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We are working on updating more things every week to make improvements. So, keep making suggestions. We are listening and capturing feedback. We just had our May operations meeting and the whole focus from the board was improvements and suggestions. We then put the list into priorities. We then capture members ideas on this forum and add to the list of ideas/improvements.

The two top priorities right now are the members list for each region and events calendar. The next thing is we are cleaning up how the regions are displayed to better focus. The members list will be done next week and the events calendar may get done also next week. But you will be able to see all the events that the VOA is putting on in each region.

So please do not feel ignored as we are still working hard on finishing up the new website enhancements.

At least now we have preserved the old forum and stabilized it with read only feature. Now we do not have to worry about robots and hackers as there is no way to input anything in the old website. We had so many crashes on the back end and literally we thought information could be lost. But it is secured and preserved.

So thank you for your input and I will add your ideas to the list.