Home Forums Southeast Regions Carolinas 2024 event plans

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    • Braunstein82
      Post count: 11

      Hello Viper club,


      First, I want to thank you all for renewing this year. We have had 47 out of 64 renew so far. Which is great, far ahead of where we are at this time in previous years.

      I know you have been anxiously waiting to hear about this years plans. We are going to try something different this year. The plan is to do 4 major events, one each quarter. These events will be planned by your club officers with some help from local members. These events will be 2-4 day events. The tentative plans will be below. We will also continue the Viper Family Winter Vacation, after a successful and fun carnival cruise this year.

      The months in-between the major events are open for any of you to organize single or half day events in your area. Officers will be available to help you and guide you with planning the event. For example, Member John Doe wants to plan car & coffee in Greenville SC with lunch after then a cruise thru mountains followed by dinner. John Doe will get with an officer to notify them of the plans or ask for help to plan, AT LEAST 30 DAYS PRIOR. They will give the officer the date, location, times, and hotel details (if required). The officers will post the event on the website and social media, then email all members. During the event you will oversee communicating with everyone attending, making any decisions to alter the event and notifying everyone of changes, and leading the drives and overall flow of the day. Again, officers will be available to help if needed and offer advice. So please reach out ASAP when you want to do something in your area. It can be anything from C&C, scenic drive, winery/brewery, car show, dragstrip, dinner, white water rafting, whatever you think will be fun as a group.


      Major Events

      Quarter #1: March possibly end of April.  Fredericksburg, VA Thursday-Sunday. Event will consist of a couple scenic drives, a day at Busch Gardens and hopefully a private airstrip rental. Detail to come soon. Organized by Seth.

      Quarter #2; May30- April 2 Tail of the dragon. Gatlinburg, TN. Our annual event we do with the TN/AL viper club. There will be some fun changes this year. Detail to come soon. Organized by Kim.

      Quarter #3: Raleigh NC thur-sun. Event will involve a private event at member John DiCostanzo’s new Racing Simulator Facility, Cars and coffee, either rolling photoshoot with chase car with professional camera rig setup or dyno rental and much more. Organized by Dan and Matt.

      Quarter #4; Charlotte NC thur-Sun. Event will involve private tour of Hendricks Museum, scenic cruise, 60mph go karts and more. Organized by Audwin and Matt. Tentatively, we will also have our members only holiday dinner at this event on Saturday evening, which will be organized by Tiara and Lon. You are welcome to come just for the holiday dinner.


      Viper Family Winter Vacation

      Jan 9-13 2025, Puerto Rico. We will fly to PR for 4 days of fun together. Event will be cohosted by Carolinas viper club, central Florida viper club and Puerto Rico Viper club. This should be a huge one so stay tuned for details. This event is open to all Viper owners and club members.


      Small events

      TBD – Get your motor running. Our annual maintenance day.

      TBD – Fayetteville NC Indoor sky diving, zip lines


      We hope to see everyone at events this year. If you have any questions let us know or reach out to Matt directly 910-337-4992. We will need someone to replace Seth as an officer around summertime, let us know if your interested,

      Matt, Dan, Seth and Audwin

    • Sparkrn
      Post count: 2

      Is there any details set yet for TOD 2024?   Looking for hotel info and agenda.  Thanks

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