Home Forums Gen V additives

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    • Elias Yannitsadis
      Post count: 7

      i have a 2014 with about 20k miles, i have a catch can installed, changed plug and wires, oil every 1,500 miles or so. was wondering other than general maintenance, does throwing an additive in the fuel tank help or needed, like a seafoam or something?

    • ViperGeorge
      Post count: 13

      I drive my cars enough that I don’t think I need any gas additives as long as I use good quality fuel.  If my car were to sit for a while I might add some Stabil to keep the fuel from going bad.

    • Hootie
      Post count: 29

      I haven’t ever put anything besides gas into my tank and she runs just fine.  But people swear by Seafoam. I’ve heard it’s popular with the boating crowd as well.  I tend to go with the ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’ mentality and don’t put anything in. My only winter storage practice with fuel is to top off the tank before storage. Less air, less condensation, or so I’m told. Fires up just fine every Spring.

    • Hootie
      Post count: 29

      Oh speaking of additives, they sell a small orange bottle at Home Depot called Mechanic in a Bottle. I have no clue what it is or how it works, but I had a lawnmower that just didn’t want to run right. Seafoam didn’t help. Threw that orange stuff in there before replacing the carb to try it, and it made it run like new. I wouldn’t dump mystery orange fluid into the Viper, but it worked wonders for an old Honda mower. Been running without a hiccup for 2 summers since sending the micro mechanics down the hatch.

    • Chad Quick
      Post count: 7

      Techron & Redline S1 both have a high level of PEA. If you want to “clean” the fuel system I would recommend one of them. If you are looking to mitigate ethanol fuel woes I have used a 50:50 mix of Startron & Marine stabil for many years. Before winter I used the 50:50 mix as well as filled the tank with non-ethanol 100 octane street legal fuel which is available near me. Otherwise, I always filled my Viper with Shell 93. That was the factory fill on the GEN V for the Viper as well as for Ferrari. I realize it is about sponsorship & advertising but I believe it is good quality fuel as well. Always run Top Tier gas regardless.

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