Home Forums NVE 5 Colorado Springs Caravan from the East

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    • Michael Sutton
      Post count: 1

      I will be staying the night in St. Charles or Independance Missouri, Saturday, September 2nd.

      Heading out Sunday morning to arrive in Colorado Springs at the Mountain Resort Sunday night.

      If anyone wants to meet up along I-70 to caravan, please let me know.

    • Jim Shafer
      Post count: 2

      We have 5 cars that will be two days behind you. We’re staying near the Kansas Speedway in KC on Monday night and arriving at the Cheyenne Mountain Resort on Tuesday.

    • NottaVette
      Post count: 31

      I’ll be driving from RI to CO.  Haven’t ironed out the details yet, but plan to arrive on the first day of NVE5.  Hopefully I’ll have my four-car hauler fully loaded!

      • Frank Palazzo
        Post count: 3

        I am departing St. Louis for NVE5 on Tuesday morning and planning to stay in Hays, KS for the night before continuing Wednesday morning to Colorado Springs.  As I will have some extra time, if I’m running solo as I expect I will, I’m thinking of dropping by the Eisenhower Museum in Salina, KS on the way to Hays.  If someone is going though St. Louis Tuesday morning I’d be open to running out together.

    • Steve-Indy
      Post count: 49

      For General Info for those of you who are driving your Viper to NVE5 and are passing through Indy:

      in the remote chance that you need assistance with your Viper,  don’t hesitate to call me. While I may or may not be able to personally assist you, I can certainly try to contact someone who can help. 317 402 9013

      Have a fun and uneventful trip,

      Steve Fess, VOA National Membership Committee



      • Jim Shafer
        Post count: 2

        Hi, Steve! I was hoping you would be at NVE5 so I could finally meet you in person as you’ve helped me out several times since 2005. 🙂

        We’ll be going past Indianapolis on our way to Terre Haute on Sunday afternoon. Wish you were going but know you’ll be missed.

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