Home Forums Welcome Members Fellow VOA Members — get Viper friends to check out the new Website!


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    • Bill Pemberton
      Post count: 31

      Just my initial impression, but after checking things over I believe the new site is substantial enough to coax some of our ” Enthusiast ” Viper owners to join the Club. We forgot a long time ago that ” Membership ” has its privileges and now we need to showcase them to those who are on the edge. Membership will now allow those who join to have more information, more intimate access, and they will have the privilege of sponsored deals, events, and more.

      No surprise here, these are the same things one gets with a PCA Club Membership and other top tier Clubs , and we all know the ” Viper ” is every bit in the same league as other top marquees!


      Bill Pemberton


    • Wesley Angelotti
      Post count: 9

      Absolutely!!!!  The forums is one of our strongest selling points and the VOA just knocked it out of the park.

    • Profile photo ofRonald SteneViperSRT
      Post count: 10

      Ok, how will we suddenly have access to more information now when the majority of prior contributors cannot post? I personally am interested in what other owners have to share, not just the very limited paid members portion. Lest this drives someone to create a new site that is open to all.

      I see no button to list new posts. That was the only way I used the old site. My participation will decrease dramatically if it requires opening up each section to see what is posted.

      On my iPad I cannot read the text in red buttons. Black text in red is not readable.

    • Profile photo ofRyan Laymanbmxbandit
      Post count: 3

      I agree with Ronald. This is a step backwards. Although I’m apart of the club I don’t like the idea of a pool of knowledge being hidden behind a pay wall. There are plenty of folks with a wealth of knowledge that might not want to join up. 🙁 There are several different message boards for these cars but I always considered Driveviper the PREMIER place to come. It seemed to be the most active and the most helpful. Message boards are a dying breed anyway. Most people use Facebook groups and chat now days. This just seems to be putting it to the grave faster. Disappointing to say the least. I appreciate all the hardwork but this just aint it IMO.

      • Shannon Whitehead
        Post count: 12

        We could have left the old site up and running and would expect a complete catastrophic failure any day.  So… you either get with the times and an updated website, or you crash and burn and have nothing.  This is a choice the club was not willing to wobble on.  Your old forum data is still alive (for now) on the old forums.  If there are threads that are valuable to you, simple copy and paste it into the new forums.

    • Profile photo ofBruce KenkelBruce Kenkel
      Post count: 4

      Site looks good so far, may want to start another thread on wish lists or problems detected.



    • Profile photo ofGregory LangstonSuperBird4404BBL
      Post count: 3

      The website is a great selling point for the club.  Membership does have it privileges!

    • Profile photo ofJoshua HaskellForumeddie2
      Post count: 3

      Wondering if the Private Message feature is going to return? Doesn’t look like I have the ability right now to send another member a message, all I can do is reply to a post.

      • Profile photo ofRichard TarlaianNottaVette
        Post count: 33

        I’m interested in this feature as well.  It was nice to communicate via PM to others.

    • Profile photo ofShawn HawalkaHootie
      Post count: 29

      Is there a trick to posting a picture?  I use the little picture icon and pick a photo, it shows in my post but when I submit the post the text is there but no images?

      • Shannon Whitehead
        Post count: 12

        Hey Hootie,  Working on it.  It was working before but not now.  Damn plugins.  What can you do.  Found the issue.  Should be working now.  Give it a whirl. -S


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