Home Forums Midwest Regions Indiana / Kentucky IN/KY VOA…Meeting & lunch Noon EDT Sept 14, 2024 Capt. Quarters Prospect KY

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    • Steve Fess
      Post count: 73


      Our lunch and September VOA meeting will start at 12-Noon (EDT) at Captain’s Quarters in Louisville, KY on Saturday, September 14, 2024.

      Captain’s Quarters Riverside Grill

      5700 Captain’s Quarters Rd., Prospect, KY 40059

      This is located just off of River Road a few miles EAST of Louisville’s Zorn Ave.

      Info Link: http://www.yellowpages.com/prospect-ky/mip/quarters-riverside-grille-captains-9049862?lid=9049862


      As rolling events (including convoys) are no longer allowed by National’s insurance policy, we will meet at Captain’s Quarter’s.  That said, I will be stopping to fuel at the Shell / Circle K Fuel Station located at:
      2105 E. King Street

      Franklin, IN 46131

      at 9:45 AM.  And I will be departing at 10:00 AM… SHARP !!! Please plan to keep in touch via cell phone with James Jackson for travel updates.  317-601-9759

      The central Indianapolis weather forecast for Saturday, September 14th is showing mostly sunny skies with a projected high of 81 degrees.

      PLEASE FUEL BEFORE we depart !!

      NOTE that the NEW, “East End” I-265 bridge is now OPEN….AND, the speed limit on the Indiana section of I-265 has recently been raised to 70 mph !! We plan to use this new route to the Prospect, KY area. This is a TOLL BRIDGE WITHOUT TOLL BOOTHS. You will receive a bill in the mail at a later date.
      River Link rates have gone up effective 07/01/2024 to $5.22 per trip ($10.44 round trip) for cars without a transponder or without a preregistered account.

      My planned route will take I-65 SOUTH to about 6 miles north of the Ohio River where I will take Exit 6 to get on I-265 EAST, crossing the River in the “East End” I-265 bridge.  Shortly, I will exit on to I-71 EAST (toward Cincinnati), but IMMEDIATELY EXIT I-71 to head NORTH TOWARD Indiana (essentially using two sides of the same cloverleaf) on I-265 NORTHBOUND…soon to exit on KY 841 which is “Gene Snyder Freeway” which will lead to U.S. 42 in Prospect. Turn LEFT at the light and take U.S.42 up the hill toward Louisville for about 1/4 mile, then take “Wolf Pen Branch Road” to the RIGHT (NORTH), winding down the hill to pick up River Road. Travel NORTH and WEST on River Road a short distance to Captain’s Quarters.  DON’T SPEED IN THIS AREA!!!

      Prior to our noontime meeting, there will be a Cars and Coffee event held every second Saturday of the month at Captain’s Quarters which typically runs from 9:00-11:00am (EDT).  In years past, there has been a fee to enter the event with proceeds benefiting local charities.  If those from the Indy region plan to attend the event, you will need to depart sooner than the times noted above… we will meet you there for lunch.

      NOTE:  Lunch WILL be provided by the Club.  

      As Always, ALL Viper Owners are Welcome!!

      Best Regards,
      James Jackson, President, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc.
      (317) 601-9759

    • Steve Fess
      Post count: 73

      Great day for a drive…noting Viper attendance low as forecast still mentioned showers.


      Great location, wonderful and service as usual as Captain’s Quarters !!

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