Home Forums Midwest Regions Indiana / Kentucky IN/KY VOA..Meeting/Lunch Noon(EDT) Aug 10, 2024, Dawson’s on Main, Speedway, IN

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    • Steve-Indy
      Post count: 49




      Our lunch and August VOA monthly meeting will start at 12-Noon on August 10 at Dawson’s on Main in Speedway, IN.  Dawson’s is a family friendly restaurant located on the north end of Main Street in Speedway.  Try out their website for a preview of their menu and to see their location on the map.


      Dawson’s on Main

      1464 Main Street

      Speedway, IN 46224

      Tel:  (317) 247-7000
      Website:   https://www.dawsonsonmain.com/lunch-menu
      Note:  Lunch will be paid for by The Club. All alcoholic beverages (if applicable) will be the responsibility of the member.


      The current forecast for Saturday shows mostly sunny skies with a highs in the low 80’s.


      AS ALWAYS,  ALL Viper owners are invited to attend. Questions??…Call ME !!

      James Jackson,  President, VOA IN/KY Region, Inc.
      (317) 601-9759


    • Steve Fess
      Post count: 78

      Beautiful day in Indy…sunny, temp in 70’s.

      As always, the staff members at Dawson’s were friendly and efficient…and the food was excellent. As it was not at all crowded, we sat around after lunch sharing stories amongst good friends.

      The Vipers were popular with the many outdoor diners on Main Street.

      As we all departed, 2 members headed to the annual British Car Show in nearby Zionsville.


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