Home Forums Gen I / Gen II Infrequent Engine miss in stock ’95 Gen I

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    • Profile photo ofBob SwartzBob Swartz
      Post count: 1

      I get an infrequent miss when engine warmed up and running at road load; usually at 25 to 50 mph. It only lasts about 1 – 2 seconds but is very concerning. It seems to clear itself up because no on or off throttle or load change seems to make any difference.

      It feels like more than one cylinder is involved.

      Any ideas???

    • Steve Fess
      Post count: 73

      Hi, Bob:

      Do you have a CEL ? If so, have you extracted the code(s) ? Access to OBD I code reader ?

      My first stop would be checking all plug wire connections at plugs and coils.

      Major grounds would be next…including battery to ground cable and battery ground cable to frame.

      If no success, go after connectors at PCM, ICM, Crank sensor, cam sensor etc.

      Hopefully, others will chime in with more suggestions.

      By the way, check your email for a little help with the ground locations.




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