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    • viperguy69
      Post count: 10

      Congrats Shannon on a Job well done! 

      This will hopefully bring us into the modern age of  cell phones and scalable content for our other devices….

    • mkviper96
      Post count: 32

      Congratulations Shannon! The club appreciates everything you have done!

    • ViperSRT
      Post count: 10

      So how are you able to make a unique display name?  No option to revise indicated anywhere. Nor can anyone create an avatar.

    • Viper98
      Post count: 2

      Ronald, there is no priviso to change to “unique display name”.
      spoke with Bridget about it.
      I prefer something different.
      oh well!

    • ViperSRT
      Post count: 10

      I know new things always provide a challenge. But so far I am unimpressed. A few constructive comments:


      No obvious way to view new threads or posts. When I click on a thread I am always brought to the top, even if I had previously read most of it.  This will get cumbersome if threads get lengthy as you will have no idea where unread posts begin.

      Inability to change the display name as stated above.  I see some have, but maybe that is an executive privilege. May be the same situation for an avatar. I prefer my name not be quickly queried via the internet, and the inability to make a screen name may limit posting.

      No ability to capture a post and reply to it. With multifaceted threads it will be burdensome to conne4ct a response to what it is responding to.

      I haven’t yet seen a post with pictures or links so not sure how that will  work. Are pictures captured locally or need a host?


      Given the short interface time that I all I have for now (other than the whole enthusiast thing which seems to be a dead topic now).


    • Brian Jackson
      Post count: 2

      It’s “pretty “, kudos to volunteers who tirelessly (and to some) thanklessly put the effort in.

      I’m not here to re-litigate decisions made, however as a 6 year mamba member, I hope we don’t lose our historical data.

      while I respect and wholeheartedly support efforts to keep the VOA solvent, it hurts to cruise over to the Alley and see new owner intros that haven’t translated here. I’m committed to maintaining my membership (have since day one of my purchase though I’m not always vocal), I echo concerns of other folks (especially new buyers and/or potential buyers feeling left out here.)

      In scenarios where new owners exist, we should be the forefront source of data given our history and historical data from folks involved in building these cars.

      Either way, I’m proud to own my ‘17 1of1 GTC TA1.0 group car. It was my dream and will continue to be so..

      • mkviper96
        Post count: 32


        We purchased a new domain name for the old forum to reside to preserve the historical data. We made the old forum read only so we do not have to maintain. The decision is saving the club money and volunteer time. It is more about the volunteer time then money.

        Since we are a volunteer organization, it takes time to get things done and in a new world where everyone wants things immediately.

        If you look at the Spirit of Viper and Viper Racing History tabs you will see how we are saving Viper History.

        In the future you will see more tabs on the website with other projects starting to be worked on that are more technical in nature. This information will be on our website and available to all Viper owners.

        You will start to see a balance on the website of things for all Viper owners and benefits for VOA members.

        I want to thank you Brian for your support!


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