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    • Bill Pemberton
      Post count: 31

      In case you are wondering where the old thread are ( I was baffled at first ) just slide down to the bottom of the paragraph about the Forums. Just hit the ” click here ” link for ” Legacy Forums ” as that will get you to old info. My personal feeling, for new Members , is though we all want the history and information stored in the older threads, feel free to jump in and just ask fellow Snakecharmers about your concerns. Viper owners understand the ” Passion ” and folks have seldom complained about those who skipped using the ” Search Button.” I tend to believe we all love sharing info and because we remember our excitement over the years when we got a Viper and the fact that the excitement has never really died, ask away and someone will likely jump in to help you. Plus , we all forget, that many things are changing since the Snake is no longer made and innovative Members have often found ways to fix items , or they have found new sources. I hope this is helpful, especially for my fellow Ancient Viper dudes , because this may assist you in finding something as you misplaced your bifocals, ha.

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