Home Forums NVE 5 Colorado Springs Transport “safe spot” for leaving NVE5?

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    • Brian Lenz
      Post count: 2

      Is there a good safe spot, reserved spot, pickup spot set up or one that a local member can recommend?


      Im having my car transported back from the event to SoFL. What location is everyone using as a pickup spot? Looking for a place to possibly have the car held for a day or two waiting for the truck. Safe, secure, possibly covered


    • Brian Lenz
      Post count: 2

      Nothing? is no one having their car transported from the event?

    • Michael Calder
      Post count: 4

      Hi Brian – I don’t have an answer to your question, but I’d suggest sending an email to the NVE5 planning committee (nve5colorado@gmail.com).  They have been very responsive to the messages I’ve sent them and I hope they can assist with your request.  Let us know what you learn!


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