Home Forums Southeast Regions Carolinas Viper Club on the Big Boat 1/11-15/2024 (carnival Cruise)

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    • Braunstein82
      Post count: 11

      Many have brought the idea of doing a cruise together. So, it is finally happening. Join your fellow Carolinas Viper club members on a 4 day carnival cruise departing from Charleston SC on Jan 11th 2024 returning January 15th. This cruise will port at Nassau in the Bahamas. If you haven’t cruised with a group of friends you gonna love it. There will be games, shows, comedians and tons of food. We will be going thru Kyle and Rebecca Hutchins travel agent. This is to be sure our rooms are close to each other and that we are put together for dinner, and they have worked with him for awhile. Please book as soon as possible due to not being able to lock a block of rooms for an extended time. Being the only major ship out of that port, these cruises fill fast. Agents info is below. Cruise price varies from $350pp on up depending on room type and if you have previously sailed with carnival before. PLEASE email me at admin@carolinasviperclub.org as soon as you book so that we can get an accurate count. So far 10 people are going.



      Luciano Bello

      (800) 819-3902 Ext: 82651

      (954) 774-2570 mobile



      Let him know you are with Kyle and Rebecca Hutchins as part of the viper club.



      Matt, Dan, Seth and Audwin

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