Home Forums Southeast Regions Central North Florida Well Its that time again.. Tail of the Dragon weekend in Tennessee

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    • No Hemi
      Post count: 15

      Again this year  we will be having the TOD weekend in Gatlinburg Tn from May 30-June 2, if you want to go  let me know, we have some cars coming up from the Orlando /jax/ St augustine area,  the Hotel is the Greystone lodge and when you call in you tell them you are with the Viper club for the special rate , If you are a VOA member you can go to the carolinas viperclub page ( there’s a link at the Carolinas forum here) where you can register for it, any questions you can write me here or call me (904)752-0928.

    • David Miller
      Post count: 41

      Hey Angel, Jodie and I are signed up and looking forward to heading up to ToD. We may leave a day earlier and stay somewhere along the way. Us old people can’t do those long drives. Let us know your plans.

    • No Hemi
      Post count: 15

      we will, Ill text you later today or tomorrow


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