Home Forums Northeast Regions 2023 events Reply To: 2023 events

Profile photo ofRichard TarlaianNottaVette
Post count: 33

JUST found this thread.  Gotta get used to these forums and lack of notifications I guess.


NEVOA’s 2023 calendar is in full swing.  Next event is the boat cruise (sign ups have closed) happening this weekend.

This weekend (the 9th) is the deadline for the Maine museum / cruise / lunch.  If you haven’t received the emails, let someone from the board know.

FYI: the 2023/24 board is: Pres, Austin B. VP, Richard T. Sec, Crystal H. Tres, Becky W. Event Coord, Crystal H and Tim M.  Advisor, Martin D.

I can be reached anytime via text and will respond ASAP.  (401)-439-3095.

A lot of effort goes into NEVOA’s calendar of events and we look forward to getting as much participation as possible.  I’ll try to post pictures of our events on this forum.