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George Farris
Post count: 2

Read the article about Dan Cragin … brought back many great memories of him … especially the early days of the Viper.

I had moved from Northern Virginia to a new job in Palm Springs.  After getting situated, found out there were two Viper Clubs in Southern California, so I joined both.

It was great as the clubs competed against each other resulting in super events!!! One event for the LA Club was at Pamona Drag Strip with at least 30 Vipers attending. Dan was on hand to lend expertise and help us owners with our cars. Knowing we were going to drag race at the famous track, I had practiced my take offs quite a bit … excited to show off!!!

So we are getting ready for the drags and Dan comes around and asks RT/10 owners if we wanted to synchronize the two throttle bodies.  Didn’t know this was an issue but gave him the green light to do it. Little did I know it would result in a significant power boost.

So its my turn to race and I stage at the line.  The “Christmas Tree” lights count down, pop the clutch and I nail it!!!

WOW!!! Viper goes sideways and almost wipes out the Tree!!! Luckily, the car straightens out makes it down the track … whew!!!

After the runs, we had a team meeting … excited owners were asked what their times were.  Didn’t say a word as I ducked down in the back … my time was 3 seconds slower than anybody else!! Ouch!!!

But Dan was so knowledgeable and likeable, he was the go to Tech for all of us. So glad he would up with that great ride!!!!