Home Forums Midwest Regions Indiana / Kentucky Ray Sweers’ 6th Annual Fall Viper Gathering/Cruise-In, Oct 14, 2023 Elkhart, IN Reply To: Ray Sweers’ 6th Annual Fall Viper Gathering/Cruise-In, Oct 14, 2023 Elkhart, IN

Steve Fess
Post count: 74

UPDATE from Ray:

“Hello Everyone:

I’ve been watching the weather forecast closely and it has improved a bit over the past few days for Saturday.  Right now it looks like some light rain is possible late Friday evening and into Saturday until about 4:00 AM.  Then dry all day Saturday until 11:00 pm.  So if the weather forecast stays like this we are certainly on for Saturday…

The plan is to continue to watch the weather forecasts and make the final call Thursday early afternoon.   If we remain green lighted that e-mail will contain our schedule.

Stay tuned and fingers crossed !

Ray Sweers”