Home Forums Gen V horn not working on gen v

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    • Larry Futrell
      Post count: 4

      my horn is not working when depressed on steering wheel, any idea on what’s goin on?

    • Profile photo ofShawn HawalkaHootie
      Post count: 29

      I’ve heard similar stories from others and it required replacing the horn pad and airbag assembly. However, my experience is that mine ‘works’ but you need to press it pretty dang hard and it takes a second to start honking. I’ve heard others with the same condition. It’s very annoying as in an emergency, it’s more of less going to make noise to alert someone that I’ve already crashed. Too delayed to be useful.

      • FuckEV
        Post count: 3

        I’ve had 2 Gen V’s and both of them you had to press very hard to get the horn to do anything. On the first car I thought it was a problem with the car but when I saw it was an issue on the second one as well it became a personality trait of the Gen V Viper.

    • Larry Futrell
      Post count: 4

      where is the location of the actual horn on a gen5, i actually ran over a dead animal on the highway enroute to NVE5, thinking something may have discounted on the horn. i know on my gen3 the horn is located down low around the driver side tire

    • Larry Futrell
      Post count: 4

      any idea of where to find air bag/horn switch for my  13 LE(drivers side )

    • Matt Dillon
      Post count: 6

      Yes EV it’s definitely kinda tuff to get it to work sometimes! But then again that’s the least of my worries on a Viper

    • Nick Smith
      Post count: 7

      Had the same problem with my 2013. No matter how you tried – no horn. Had heard that it could be related to the airbag, so had local Dodge dealer check because I definitely wanted my airbag to work. Airbag checked out fine. In the meantime, I had been continually aggravated by accidentally hitting the radio buttons on the back of the steering wheel when I was turning it. Being old school, I always used the radio controls on the dash. Solution: simple rewiring by disconnecting the radio controls in the steering wheel and replacing with the horn wiring. Took my tech less than an hour. Now the middle (previously radio) steering wheel button on each side is now my horn activator (and you don’t accidentally hit that middle button, only the “rocker” on either side). Sorry, the explanation sounds complicated – it’s not. May not be for everyone, but works for me and saved several hundred bucks for a new airbag and spring assembly which would have to be replaced as a unit to correct the horn problem (per the Dodge dealer).

    • Bill Shults
      Post count: 4

      Nick very interesting idea. I do use those rocker switches however I might consider doing that to one of them, or do you have to do both?

    • Nick Smith
      Post count: 7

      Hey Bill, sorry for my delayed response about the horn issue. We only did the right side rocker, but I’m pretty sure you could do either, or even both. I don’t use the horn much, but try it once in a while, just in case. Still working fine. If any problem I can get my tech to help. Good luck, I think you’ll like it.

    • Larry Futrell
      Post count: 4

      have found that there is definitely horn/airbag problem on genVs, horn pad is attached to airbag, no amount of pressure on horn pad will get it to work when it goes out, and guess what ? horn pad and airbag are on back order. thanx stellantis!

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