International Viper Owners Association Registration

VOA Membership Around the World!

For those coming to us from outside the US – International membership in the VOA gives you member access to all of our web resources and your choice of international regions.  Your dues are lower as most international regions do their own fundraising for local activities and events. Because international regions cannot easily become 501c7 sanctioned organizations under IRS Code, the VOA no longer distributes funds internationally to these regional clubs.  If you are an international member that already joined, you will receive a refund for the difference later this year.  For former International Viper Owners, we are proud to introduce Legacy membership, prior international VOA members need only to provide their name and old membership number to be able to rejoin.  International exchange rates and international mailing fees have resulted in slightly higher membership dues for international members.  Former international owners who were not VOA members will need to provide proof of Viper ownership by showing us your country’s registration information with your name, address, and the Viper’s VIN.

VOA Standard Membership

Currently own a Viper – No $ to International Region

VOA Mamba Membership

Currently own a Viper – No $ to International Region + Hard copy Magazine

VOA Legacy – Standard Membership

Currently don’t own a Viper – No $ to International Region

VOA Legacy – Mamba Membership

Currently don’t own a Viper – No $ to International Region

If you have questions or need assistance with registration or any member benefits, please call: (888) 778-1545
(M-F-8:30 am to 5 pm EST) You can also email us at