Home Forums Northeast Regions New England Greetings and WELCOME from NEVOA’s VP

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    • Profile photo ofRichard TarlaianNottaVette
      Post count: 32

      Greeting from 2023’/ 24’s NEVOA Vice president, Richard Tarlaian Jr.  I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself to my fellow Viper Owners located in RI.  I hope that you take a moment to respond.  If you’ve looked at my profile, you may have noticed that I reside in RI and have an ’01 Sapphire Blue RT/10.  Though I’m still learning how to navigate and utilize this forum, I hope that I can be a resource for you to get the most out of your VOA membership.

      This latest version of the VOA website hopes to serve as a medium for Viper owners to share their experiences, stories and passion for the car.  It also serves as a way to help bring owners together.  If there are any concerns or questions regarding the NEVOA region, our board is eager to hear from you.




    • Profile photo ofVincent Serranoinquirer86
      Post count: 5

      It’ll be fun, hope to get to meet some members.

    • Martin Distelbrink
      Post count: 2

      Hey Guys !


      This is Martin from North Reading MA.  Hoping to see you guys out this weekend at the Fall Foliage Cruise in NH looks like we have 24 Vipers!  Were gonna have to tell the New England members to start using the new forums !



    • Profile photo ofRichard TarlaianNottaVette
      Post count: 32

      Congratulations to the NEW ENGLAND region!!  We’re currently in the number ONE spot for renewals!

      Also, we’ve grown our membership by 17 new members since the middle of our 2023 season.  Fantastic job, thank you!!

      Our Viper family will surpass it’s “pre-vid” status if we keep this up!!

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